Source code for ibm_watson_openscale.integrated_systems

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# Copyright 2022 IBM All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from ibm_watson_openscale.base_classes.watson_open_scale_v2 import IntegratedSystems as BaseIntegratedSystems
from .utils import *
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core import BaseService
from ibm_watson_openscale.base_classes.tables import Table

    from .client import WatsonOpenScaleV2Adapter
    from ibm_watson_openscale.base_classes.watson_open_scale_v2 import DetailedResponse, JsonPatchOperation


[docs] class IntegratedSystems(BaseIntegratedSystems): """ Manages Integrated Systems instance. """ def __init__(self, ai_client: 'WatsonOpenScaleV2Adapter') -> None: validate_type(ai_client, 'ai_client', BaseService, True) self._ai_client = ai_client super().__init__(watson_open_scale=self._ai_client)
[docs] def show(self, limit: Optional[int] = 10, type: str = None, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Show integrated systems. By default 10 records will be shown. :param limit: maximal number of fetched rows. By default set to 10. (optional) :type limit: int :param str type: (optional) comma-separated list of type for the integrated system. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) A way you might use me is: >>> >>> >>> """ validate_type(limit, 'limit', int, False) response = self.list( type=type, project_id=project_id, space_id=space_id, **kwargs) records = [[, integrated_system.entity.type, integrated_system.entity.description, integrated_system.metadata.created_at, ] for integrated_system in response.result.integrated_systems] columns = ['name', 'type', 'description', 'created_at', 'id'] Table(columns, records).list( limit=limit, default_limit=_DEFAULT_LIST_LENGTH, title="Integrated Systems" )
[docs] def add(self, name: str, type: str, description: str, credentials: dict, connection: object = None, group_ids: List[str] = None, user_ids: List[str] = None, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None, **kwargs ) -> 'DetailedResponse': """ Create a new integrated system. Create a new integrated system. :param str name: The name of the Integrated System. :param str type: :param str description: The description of the Integrated System. :param dict credentials: The credentials for the Integrated System. :param object connection: (optional) The additional connection information for the Integrated System. :param List[str] group_ids: (optional) Access control list of group id of Cloud Pak for Data (Only available for open_pages type and OpenScale on Cloud Pak for Data >= 4.0.6 with ENABLE_GROUP_AUTH being true). :param List[str] user_ids: (optional) Access control list of user id of Cloud Pak for Data (Only available for open_pages type and OpenScale on Cloud Pak for Data >= 4.0.6 with ENABLE_GROUP_AUTH being true). :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `IntegratedSystemResponse` result """ validate_type(name, 'name', str, True) validate_type(type, 'type', str, True) validate_type(description, 'description', str, True) validate_type(credentials, 'credentials', dict, True) response = super().add( name = name, description = description, type = type, credentials = credentials, connection = connection, group_ids = group_ids, user_ids = user_ids, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id, **kwargs ) return response
[docs] def get(self, integrated_system_id: str, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None, **kwargs ) -> 'DetailedResponse': """ Get a specific integrated system. Get a specific integrated system. :param str integrated_system_id: Unique integrated system ID. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `IntegratedSystemResponse` result """ validate_type(integrated_system_id, 'integrated_system_id', str, True) response = super().get(integrated_system_id = integrated_system_id, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def update(self, integrated_system_id: str, json_patch_operation: List['JsonPatchOperation'], project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None, **kwargs ) -> 'DetailedResponse': """ Update an integrated system. Update an integrated system. :param str integrated_system_id: Unique integrated system ID. :param List[JsonPatchOperation] json_patch_operation: :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `IntegratedSystemResponse` result """ validate_type(integrated_system_id, 'integrated_system_id', str, True) response = super().update(integrated_system_id = integrated_system_id, json_patch_operation = json_patch_operation, project_id=project_id, space_id=space_id, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def delete(self, integrated_system_id: str, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None, **kwargs ) -> 'DetailedResponse': """ Delete an integrated system. Delete an integrated system. :param str integrated_system_id: Unique integrated system ID. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse """ validate_type(integrated_system_id, 'integrated_system_id', str, True) response = super().delete(integrated_system_id = integrated_system_id, project_id=project_id, space_id=space_id, **kwargs) return response