Source code for ibm_watson_openscale.service_providers

# coding: utf-8

# Copyright 2020 IBM All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Tuple, Dict

from ibm_cloud_sdk_core import BaseService

from ibm_watson_openscale.base_classes.tables import Table
from ibm_watson_openscale.base_classes.watson_open_scale_v2 import \
    AzureCredentials, CustomCredentials, SageMakerCredentials, \
    SPSSCredentials, WMLCredentialsCP4D, WMLCredentialsCloud
from .utils import *
from .utils.client_errors import InvalidCredentialsProvided,IncorrectParameter, DuplicateError
from ibm_watson_openscale.base_classes.watson_open_scale_v2 import ServiceProviders as BaseServiceProviders
from ibm_watson_openscale.base_classes.watson_open_scale_v2 import get_sdk_headers

    from pandas import DataFrame
    from .client import WatsonOpenScaleV2Adapter


# TODO: Add parameters validation in every method
[docs] class ServiceProviders(BaseServiceProviders): """ Manages Service Provider instance. """ def __init__(self, ai_client: 'WatsonOpenScaleV2Adapter') -> None: validate_type(ai_client, 'ai_client', BaseService, True) self._ai_client = ai_client super().__init__(watson_open_scale=self._ai_client)
[docs] def show(self, limit: Optional[int] = 10, show_deleted: bool = None, service_type: str = None, instance_id: str = None, operational_space_id: str = None, deployment_space_id: str = None, integrated_project_id: str = None, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Show service providers. By default 10 records will be shown. :param limit: maximal number of fetched rows. By default set to 10. (optional) :type limit: int :param bool show_deleted: (optional) show also resources pending delete. :param str service_type: (optional) Type of service. :param str instance_id: (optional) comma-separated list of IDs. :param str operational_space_id: (optional) comma-separated list of IDs. :param str deployment_space_id: (optional) comma-separated list of IDs. :param str integrated_project_id: (optional) comma-separated list of IDs. :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers A way you might use me is: >>> >>> >>> """ validate_type(limit, u'limit', int, False) response = self.list( show_deleted=show_deleted, service_type=service_type, instance_id=instance_id, operational_space_id=operational_space_id, deployment_space_id=deployment_space_id, integrated_project_id=integrated_project_id, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id, **kwargs) records = [[service_provider.entity.instance_id, service_provider.entity.status.state,, service_provider.entity.service_type, service_provider.metadata.created_at, ] for service_provider in response.result.service_providers] columns = ['instance_id', 'status', 'name', 'service_type', 'created_at', 'id'] Table(columns, records).list( limit=limit, default_limit=_DEFAULT_LIST_LENGTH, title="Service Providers" )
[docs] def add(self, name: str, service_type: str = None, description: str = None, credentials: 'MLCredentials' = None, request_headers: object = None, operational_space_id: str = None, deployment_space_id: str = None, integrated_project_id: str = None, group_ids: List[str] = None, user_ids: List[str] = None, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None, background_mode: bool = True) -> 'DetailedResponse': """ Add service provider. Assosiate external Machine Learning service instance with the OpenScale DataMart. :param str name: Name of the ML service instance. :param str service_type: (optional) machine learning service type (azure_machine_learning_studio is a preferred alias for azure_machine_learning and should be used in new service bindings). :param str description: (optional) :param MLCredentials credentials: (optional) :param object request_headers: (optional) map header name to header value. :param str operational_space_id: (optional) Reference to Operational Space. Allowed values are 'production' and 'pre_production' :param str deployment_space_id: (optional) Reference to V2 Space ID :param str integrated_project_id: (optional) Project ID. :param List[str] group_ids: (optional) Access control list of group id of Cloud Pak for Data (Only available for OpenScale on Cloud Pak for Data >= 4.0.6 with ENABLE_GROUP_AUTH being true). :param List[str] user_ids: (optional) Access control list of user id of Cloud Pak for Data (Only available for OpenScale on Cloud Pak for Data >= 4.0.6 with ENABLE_GROUP_AUTH being true). :param background_mode: if set to True, run will be in asynchronous mode, if set to False it will wait for result (optional) :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :type background_mode: bool :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse with `ServiceProviderResponse` result A way you may use me when WML is located on same cluster >>> from ibm_watson_openscale import * >>> added_service_provider_info = client.service_providers.add( background_mode=False, name="WML instance", service_type=ServiceTypes.WATSON_MACHINE_LEARNING, deployment_space_id = <SPACE_ID>, operational_space_id = "production" credentials=WMLCredentialsCloud( url='<URL>', username='<USERNAME>', password='<PASSWORD>' ) ) A way you may use me when WML is located on different CP4D cluster (Available only on CP4D 4.0 or higher) >>> from ibm_watson_openscale import * >>> from ibm_watson_openscale.supporting_classes.enums import * >>> added_service_provider_info = client.service_providers.add( background_mode=False, name="WML instance", service_type=ServiceTypes.WATSON_MACHINE_LEARNING, deployment_space_id = <SPACE_ID>, operational_space_id = "production" credentials=WMLCredentialsCloud( url = '<URL>', username='<USERNAME>, apikey='APIKEY>', wml_location = CP4DWMLLocation.CPD_REMOTE ) ) A way you may use me when WML is located on IBM Cloud >>> from ibm_watson_openscale import * >>> from ibm_watson_openscale.supporting_classes.enums import * >>> added_service_provider_info = client.service_providers.add( background_mode=False, name="WML instance", service_type=ServiceTypes.WATSON_MACHINE_LEARNING, deployment_space_id = <SPACE_ID>, operational_space_id = "production" credentials=WMLCredentialsCloud( url = '<URL>', apikey='APIKEY>', wml_location = CP4DWMLLocation.CLOUD_REMOTE ) ) """ if isinstance(service_type, str): validate_type(service_type, 'service_type', str, True) elif isinstance(credentials, WMLCredentialsCP4D) or isinstance(credentials, WMLCredentialsCloud): service_type = ServiceTypes.WATSON_MACHINE_LEARNING # Validating the credentials if isinstance(credentials, WMLCredentialsCloud): # Checking if either API key of a token is present if credentials.apikey is None and credentials.token is None: # Both are not given raise InvalidCredentialsProvided(reason="Either API key or a token must be provided.") elif isinstance(credentials, AzureCredentials): service_type = ServiceTypes.AZURE_MACHINE_LEARNING elif isinstance(credentials, CustomCredentials): service_type = ServiceTypes.CUSTOM_MACHINE_LEARNING elif isinstance(credentials, SageMakerCredentials): service_type = ServiceTypes.AMAZON_SAGEMAKER elif isinstance(credentials, SPSSCredentials): service_type = ServiceTypes.SPSS_COLLABORATION_AND_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICES else: validate_type(service_type, 'service_type', str, True) if self._ai_client.is_cp4d is not True: if group_ids is not None or user_ids is not None: raise IncorrectParameter(parameter_name= "group_ids/user_ids", reason="Parameters group_ids/user_ids are only available for OpenScale on Cloud Pak for Data >=4.0.6 ") response = self.list( service_type=service_type, operational_space_id=operational_space_id, deployment_space_id=deployment_space_id, integrated_project_id=integrated_project_id, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id) for service_provider in response.result.service_providers: if raise DuplicateError("Service Provider name '{}' is already in use".format( if deployment_space_id is not None and service_provider.entity.deployment_space_id==deployment_space_id: raise DuplicateError("Deployment Space id '{0}' is already in use in '{1}' provider".format(service_provider.entity.deployment_space_id, if isinstance(credentials, SPSSCredentials) and self._ai_client.is_cp4d: import json cp4d_host = self._ai_client.service_url[0:self._ai_client.service_url.find('openscale')-1] url = "{0}/v1/ml_instances/{1}/test_connect?service_type={2}".format(cp4d_host,self._ai_client.service_instance_id,service_type) headers = { "Authorization":"Bearer {}".format(self._ai_client.authenticator.token_manager.get_token()), "X-AIOS-Discovery-Credentials": json.dumps({ "password":credentials.password, "url":credentials.url, "username": credentials.username}) } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers,verify=False) if response.status_code!=200: print('Error: {0}'.format(response.text)) raise Exception('Unable to connect to SPSS C&DS mode engine. Please check your credentials and refer to documentation to to get the details of supported SPSS types') response = super().add(name=name, service_type=service_type, description=description, credentials=credentials, request_headers=request_headers, operational_space_id=operational_space_id,deployment_space_id = deployment_space_id, integrated_project_id = integrated_project_id, group_ids = group_ids,user_ids = user_ids, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id) service_provider_id = if background_mode: return response else: def check_state() -> dict: details = self.get(service_provider_id=service_provider_id, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id) return details.result.entity.status.state def get_result() -> Union[Tuple[str, Union[None, str], 'DetailedResponse']]: details = self.get(service_provider_id=service_provider_id, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id) state = details.result.entity.status.state if state in [StatusStateType.ACTIVE]: return "Successfully finished adding service provider", None, details else: return "Add service provider failed with status: {}".format(state), \ 'Reason: {}'.format(["code: {}, message: {}".format(error.code, error.message) for error in details.result.entity.status.failure.errors]), details return print_synchronous_run( 'Waiting for end of adding service provider {}'.format(service_provider_id), check_state, get_result=get_result, success_states=[StatusStateType.ACTIVE] )
[docs] def delete(self, service_provider_id: str, force: bool = None, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None, background_mode: bool = True) -> 'DetailedResponse': """ Delete service provider. Detach Machine Learning service provider. :param str service_provider_id: ID of the ML service provider. :param bool force: (optional) force hard delete. :param background_mode: if set to True, run will be in asynchronous mode, if set to False it will wait for result (optional) :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :type background_mode: bool :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse A way you may use me: >>> client.service_providers.delete( background_mode=False, service_provider_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', force=True ) """ response = super().delete(service_provider_id=service_provider_id, force=force, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id) if background_mode: return response else: def check_state() -> dict: details = self.list(project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id ) if service_provider_id not in str(details.result): return StatusStateType.FINISHED else: return StatusStateType.ACTIVE def get_result() -> Union[Tuple[str, Union[None, str], 'DetailedResponse']]: details = self.list(project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id ) if service_provider_id not in str(details.result): state = StatusStateType.FINISHED else: state = StatusStateType.ACTIVE if state in [StatusStateType.FINISHED]: return "Successfully finished deleting service provider", None, response else: return "Delete service provider failed", 'Reason: None', response # TODO: Need to show the reason. return print_synchronous_run( 'Waiting for end of deleting service provider {}'.format(service_provider_id), check_state, get_result=get_result, success_states=[StatusStateType.FINISHED] )
[docs] def list_assets(self, data_mart_id: str, service_provider_id: str, deployment_id: str = None, deployment_space_id: str = None, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None) -> 'Response': """ Listing all deployments and assets for specific data_mart and service_provider. :param str data_mart_id: ID of the data_mart (required) :param str service_provider_id: ID of the service_provider (required) :param str deployment_id: ID of the deployment (optional), when used, only specific deployment is returned :param str deployment_space_id: (optional) Reference to V2 Space ID :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :return: Response A way you may use me: >>> response = client.service_providers.list_assets( data_mart_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', service_provider_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', deployment_space_id='6574djd4-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5' ) >>> print(response.result) {'count': 1, 'resources': [{'entity': {'asset': {'asset_id': '997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', 'asset_type': 'model', 'created_at': '2020-01-13T09:15:26.586Z', 'name': 'AIOS Spark Credit Risk model', 'url': ''}, 'asset_properties': {'asset_revision': '997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', 'input_data_schema': {'fields': [{'metadata': {}, 'name': 'CheckingStatus', 'nullable': True, 'type': 'string'}, ... 'label_column': 'Risk', 'model_type': 'mllib-2.3', 'runtime_environment': 'spark-2.3', 'training_data_schema': {'fields': [{'metadata': {}, 'name': 'CheckingStatus', 'nullable': True, 'type': 'string'}, ... 'description': 'Description of deployment', 'name': 'AIOS Spark Credit Risk deployment', 'scoring_endpoint': {'url': ''}, 'type': 'online'}, 'metadata': {'created_at': '2020-01-13T09:15:26.607Z', 'guid': '997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', 'modified_at': '2020-01-13T09:15:26.848Z', 'url': ''}}]} >>> response = client.service_providers.list_assets( data_mart_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', service_provider_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5' deployment_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', deployment_space_id='6574djd4-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5' ) """ validate_type(data_mart_id, 'data_mart_id', str, True) validate_type(service_provider_id, 'service_provider_id', str, True) validate_type(deployment_id, 'deployment_id', str, False) validate_type(deployment_space_id, 'deployment_space_id', str, False) headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.watson_open_scale.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='get_asset_and_deployments_details') headers.update(sdk_headers) provider_details = self.get(service_provider_id, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id).result service_type = provider_details.to_dict()['entity']['service_type'] if deployment_space_id is None: url = f'/v1/ml_instances/{service_provider_id}/deployments?datamart_id={data_mart_id}&limit=1000' else: url = f"/openscale/{data_mart_id}/v2/ml_deployments?limit=100&service_provider_id={service_provider_id}&service_type={service_type}" url = url + f'&space_id={deployment_space_id}' request = self.watson_open_scale.prepare_request(method='GET', url=url, headers=headers) request['url'] = f"https://{request['url'].split('/')[2]}{url}" response = self.watson_open_scale.send(request) if deployment_id is not None and 'resources' in response.result and len(response.result['resources']) > 0: response.result['resources'] = [resource for resource in response.result['resources'] if resource['metadata']['guid'] == deployment_id] return response
[docs] def get_deployment_asset(self, data_mart_id: str, service_provider_id: str, deployment_id: str, deployment_space_id: str = None, project_id: str = None, space_id: str = None) -> 'Response': """ Listing all deployments and assets for specific data_mart and service_provider. :param str data_mart_id: ID of the data_mart (required) :param str service_provider_id: ID of the service_provider (required) :param str deployment_id: ID of the deployment (required), when used, only specific deployment is returned :param str deployment_space_id: Reference to V2 Space ID (required) :param str project_id: Id of the Project context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :param str space_id: Id of the Space context in which governance operation is happening (optional) :return: Response A way you may use me: >>> response = client.service_providers.list_assets( data_mart_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', service_provider_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', deployment_space_id='6574djd4-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5' ) >>> print(response.result) {'entity': {'asset': {'asset_id': '997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', 'asset_type': 'model', 'created_at': '2020-01-13T09:15:26.586Z', 'name': 'AIOS Spark Credit Risk model', 'url': ''}, 'asset_properties': {'asset_revision': '997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', 'input_data_schema': {'fields': [{'metadata': {}, 'name': 'CheckingStatus', 'nullable': True, 'type': 'string'}, ... 'label_column': 'Risk', 'model_type': 'mllib-2.3', 'runtime_environment': 'spark-2.3', 'training_data_schema': {'fields': [{'metadata': {}, 'name': 'CheckingStatus', 'nullable': True, 'type': 'string'}, ... 'description': 'Description of deployment', 'name': 'AIOS Spark Credit Risk deployment', 'scoring_endpoint': {'url': ''}, 'type': 'online'}, 'metadata': {'created_at': '2020-01-13T09:15:26.607Z', 'guid': '997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', 'modified_at': '2020-01-13T09:15:26.848Z', 'url': ''}} >>> response = client.service_providers.get_deployment_asset( data_mart_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', service_provider_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5' deployment_id='997b1474-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5', deployment_space_id='6574djd4-00d2-4g05-ac02-287ebfc603b5' ) """ validate_type(data_mart_id, 'data_mart_id', str, True) validate_type(service_provider_id, 'service_provider_id', str, True) validate_type(deployment_id, 'deployment_id', str, True) validate_type(deployment_space_id, 'deployment_space_id', str, False) headers = {} sdk_headers = get_sdk_headers(service_name=self.watson_open_scale.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, service_version='V1', operation_id='get_asset_and_deployments_details') headers.update(sdk_headers) provider_details = self.get(service_provider_id, project_id = project_id, space_id = space_id).result service_type = provider_details.to_dict()['entity']['service_type'] if deployment_space_id is None: url = f'/v1/ml_instances/{service_provider_id}/deployments?datamart_id={data_mart_id}&limit=1000' else: url = f"/openscale/{data_mart_id}/v2/ml_deployments/{deployment_id}?service_provider_id={service_provider_id}&service_type={service_type}&space_id={deployment_space_id}" request = self.watson_open_scale.prepare_request(method='GET', url=url, headers=headers) request['url'] = f"https://{request['url'].split('/')[2]}{url}" response = self.watson_open_scale.send(request) return response.result