Source code for ibm_watson_openscale.supporting_classes.enums

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# TODO: Rewrite each _has_value() method to be part of the base class
from enum import Enum

[docs] class InputDataType: """ Describes possible model input data types. Contains: [STRUCTURED, UNSTRUCTURED_IMAGE, UNSTRUCTURED_TEXT, UNSTRUCTURED_AUDIO, UNSTRUCTURED_VIDEO] """ STRUCTURED = 'structured' UNSTRUCTURED_IMAGE = 'unstructured_image' UNSTRUCTURED_TEXT = 'unstructured_text' UNSTRUCTURED_AUDIO = 'unstructured_audio' UNSTRUCTURED_VIDEO = 'unstructured_video'
[docs] class DeploymentTypes: """ Describes possible model deployment types. Contains: [ONLINE] """ ONLINE = 'online'
[docs] class RecordsFormatTypes: """ Describes possible format types for getting list of records. Contains: [DICT, LIST] """ DICT = 'dict' LIST = 'list'
[docs] class FeedbackType(Enum): """ Describes supported types of feedback format. Contains: [WML, DICT, CSV] """ WML = 'WML' DICT = 'DICT' CSV = 'CSV' PAYLOAD = 'PAYLOAD' LIST_OF_DICT = 'LIST_OF_DICT'
[docs] @classmethod def has_value(cls, value): if value in cls._value2member_map_: return True else: raise KeyError("{} is not a feedback type. Use one of: {} as a feedback type.".format( value, [item.value for item in FeedbackType] ))
[docs] class ServiceTypes: """ Describes supported types of service. Contains: [WATSON_MACHINE_LEARNING, AMAZON_SAGEMAKER, AZURE_MACHINE_LEARNING, CUSTOM_MACHINE_LEARNING, SPSS_COLLABORATION_AND_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICES, AZURE_MACHINE_LEARNING_SERVICE] """ WATSON_MACHINE_LEARNING = "watson_machine_learning" AMAZON_SAGEMAKER = "amazon_sagemaker" AZURE_MACHINE_LEARNING = "azure_machine_learning" CUSTOM_MACHINE_LEARNING = "custom_machine_learning" SPSS_COLLABORATION_AND_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICES = 'spss_collaboration_and_deployment_services' AZURE_MACHINE_LEARNING_SERVICE = "azure_machine_learning_service"
[docs] class ResponseTypes: """ Describes supported types of output format. Contains: [PANDAS, PYTHON] """ PANDAS = "pandas" PYTHON = "python"
[docs] class TargetTypes: """ Describes supported types of target format. Contains: [SUBSCRIPTION, BUSINESS_APPLICATION, INSTANCE, DATA_MART] """ SUBSCRIPTION = 'subscription' BUSINESS_APPLICATION = 'business_application' INSTANCE = 'instance' DATA_MART = "data_mart" PROJECT = "project" SPACE = "space"
[docs] class FormatTypes: """ Format of the returned data. `full` format compared to `compact` is additive and contains `sources` part. """ COMPACT = 'compact' FULL = 'full'
[docs] class IntervalTypes: """ Time unit in which metrics are grouped and aggregated, interval by interval. """ MINUTE = 'minute' HOUR = 'hour' DAY = 'day' WEEK = 'week' MONTH = 'month' YEAR = 'year'
[docs] class AggregationTypes: """ Comma delimited function list constructed from metric name and function, e.g. `agg=metric_name:count,:last` that defines aggregations. """ LAST = 'last' FIRST = 'first' MAX = 'max' MIN = 'min' SUM = 'sum' AVG = 'avg' COUNT = 'count' STDDEV = 'stddev'
[docs] class OnErrorTypes: """ expected behaviour on error. """ STOP = 'stop' CONTINUE = 'continue'
[docs] class ContentTypes: """ The type of the input. A character encoding can be specified by including a `charset` parameter. For example, 'text/csv;charset=utf-8'. """ APPLICATION_JSON = 'application/json' TEXT_CSV = 'text/csv'
[docs] class DataSetTypes: """ type of the data set. """ MANUAL_LABELING = 'manual_labeling' PAYLOAD_LOGGING = 'payload_logging' FEEDBACK = 'feedback' BUSINESS_PAYLOAD = 'business_payload' CUSTOM = 'custom'
[docs] class MetricThresholdTypes: LOWER_LIMIT = "lower_limit" UPPER_LIMIT = "upper_limit"
[docs] class StatusStateType: ACTIVE = "active" RUNNING = "running" FINISHED = "finished" PREPARING = "preparing" SUCCESS = "success" COMPLETED = "completed" FAILURE = "failure" FAILED = "failed" ERROR = "error" CANCELLED = "cancelled" CANCELED = "canceled" UPLOAD_ERROR = "upload_error"
[docs] class DatabaseType: """ Describes possible options of choosing database type. Contains: [POSTGRESQL, DB2] """ POSTGRESQL = 'postgresql' DB2 = 'db2'
[docs] class Choose: """ Describes possible options of choosing result from table filtering when only one result is required. Contains: [FIRST, LAST, RANDOM] """ FIRST = 'first' LAST = 'last' RANDOM = 'random'
[docs] class ProblemType: """ Describes possible model (problem) types. Contains: [regression, binary, multiclass] """ REGRESSION = 'regression' BINARY_CLASSIFICATION = 'binary' MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION = 'multiclass'
[docs] class AssetTypes: """ """ MODEL = "model" FUNCTION = "function"
[docs] class ExpectedDirectionTypes: """ the indicator specifying the expected direction of the monotonic metric values. """ INCREASING = "increasing" DECREASING = "decreasing" UNKNOWN = "unknown"
[docs] class SchemaUpdateModeTypes: """ """ NONE = "none" AUTO = "auto"
[docs] class IntegratedSystemTypes: """ """ OPEN_PAGES = "open_pages" WATSON_DATA_CATALOG = "watson_data_catalog" SLACK = "slack"
[docs] class OperationTypes: """ The operation to be performed. """ ADD = "add" REMOVE = "remove" REPLACE = "replace" MOVE = "move" COPY = "copy" TEST = "test"
[docs] class ScheduleRepeatTypes: """ The type of interval to monitor the target. """ MINUTE = "minute" HOUR = "hour" DAY = "day" WEEK = "week" MONTH = "month" YEAR = "year"
[docs] class TriggerTypes: """ An identifier representing the source that triggered the run request (optional). One of: event, scheduler, user, webhook. """ EVENT = "event" SCHEDULER = "scheduler" USER = "user" WEBHOOK = "webhook" BKPI_MANAGER = "bkpi_manager"
[docs] class NotificationServiceTypes: """ The messaging service to use, for example, slack or email, or list_ref to indicate a previously created notification list. """ SLACK = "slack" EMAIL = "email" LIST_REF = "list_ref"
[docs] class MessageFormatTypes: """ The format of the message text. """ TEXT = "text" HTML = "html"
[docs] class PayloadFieldTypes: """ """ STRING = "string" NUMBER = "number"
[docs] class TrainingDataReferenceType: """ Type of the storage. """ DB2 = "db2" COS = "cos"
[docs] class CP4DWMLLocation: """ CP4D WML Location. """ CPD_LOCAL = 'cpd_local' CPD_REMOTE = 'cpd_remote' CLOUD_REMOTE = 'cloud_remote'
[docs] class FairnessMetrics(Enum): DISPARATE_IMPACT = "fairness_value" STATISTICAL_PARITY_DIFFERENCE = "statistical_parity_difference" AVERAGE_ODDS_DIFFERENCE = "average_odds_difference" AVERAGE_ABS_ODDS_DIFFERENCE = "average_abs_odds_difference" FALSE_NEGATIVE_RATE_DIFFERENCE = "false_negative_rate_difference" FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_DIFFERENCE = "false_positive_rate_difference" FALSE_DISCOVERY_RATE_DIFFERENCE = "false_discovery_rate_difference" FALSE_OMISSION_RATE_DIFFERENCE = "false_omission_rate_difference" ERROR_RATE_DIFFERENCE = "error_rate_difference"